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8 nutrition tips to power a healthy lifestyle

We hear a lot about the power of a healthy lifestyle. It helps prevent chronic diseases, boosts your mood and even helps reduce stress. One of the key factors of a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition.

In honor of National Nutrition Month, and to help you and your loved ones getting the nutrients your body deserves, we’ve compiled a few of our nutrition expert’s best tips and tricks.

Pack your own travel snacks

To keep your nutrition habits on track, and more green in your wallet, pack your own snacks and water bottles whenever you go out. Doing this will ensure that you’re staying hydrated and fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods, not gas station or airport treats.

Lead by example when it comes to fruits and veggies

One of the most common parenting problems is getting your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables. It’s hard, kids are picky. But there is power behind leading by example and refraining from nagging. The more often your kids see you eat fruits and veggies, the more likely they will take a bite.

Prepare healthy after school/activity snacks

Want your kids to make better food choices? Try bringing fruits and vegetables with you when you pick them up or have them readily available when they walk in the door. If healthy snacks are the first thing they see, they’ll be more likely consumed before reaching for unhealthy options.

Grow your own herbs

Herbs can be expensive and easy to waste, so instead of buying them from the store, grow them at home. All you need is a pot, dirt, water and sunshine. Sometimes you can buy pre-planted herbs like basil mint or rosemary to make things even easier. Herbs add a ton of flavor and color to your meals, so don’t shy away from incorporating them into your favorite dishes.

Don't shy away from frozen veggies

Veggies are a great way to add nutrients to your meals, but they can be time-consuming to prep. Frozen vegetables can be a lifesaver because they’re already prepped and ready to cook. Simply open the bag and steam them in the microwave or add them to what you’re cooking on the stove top.

Grab snacks with complex carbs

When you want to snack, grab something with complex carbs. They give you an energy boost and have protein to satisfy you until your next meal. Some go-to snacks include trail mix made with dried fruits and unsalted nuts, an apple or pear with string cheese, celery sticks with a scoop of peanut butter or Greek yogurt with fresh berries. If you’re on-the-go, try grabbing a snack bar made with only fruits and nuts.

Rethink your drink

Is your morning coffee derailing your health goals? You don’t have to give up caffeine to maintain a nutritious lifestyle. It all comes down to choosing the best option. Instead of ordering a latte or macchiato, try ordering an Americano or regular coffee and substitute whole leaf stevia for a sugar packet. This will save you calories and still give you an early morning kick-start.

Look for healthy options when eating out

When eating out, ask if the restaurant has a menu that lists nutrition facts or look on their website. If there’s nothing available, look for menu options that are protein based and baked or grilled. It also helps to choose tomato-based sauces over cream based and ask for dressing or cheese toppings to be put on the side.

While some tips may be easier to incorporate than others, it’s important to keep your wellness in mind. Your body needs nutritious foods to keep performing at its best. For more nutrition tips visit or consult a Registered Dietitian.

authors photo
Brooke Findley, MS, RD, LDN
Brooke Findley, MS, RD, LDN

Registered Dietitian and Client Wellness Program Manager

Brooke is a registered dietitian and the client wellness program manager at Blue Cross NC. She enjoys promoting health and wellness in communities and worksites, as well as helping individuals make health a part of their daily lives.

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