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Employer Resources

Preventive Health Toolkit

Preventive care toolkit

Help your employees prioritize preventive care to avoid bigger problems later.

Simplifying employee preventive care

Despite the many health benefits, employees don’t always take preventive care measures. It can often feel too time consuming to make appointments or adopt healthy lifestyle changes, and many people can feel confusion around which actions are right for them.

But preventive care doesn’t have to be complicated. Even small changes can make a big impact. Our ready-to-use toolkit of customizable communications is designed to promote dialogue and help encourage preventive care within your workforce.

About our preventive care toolkit

Our communications toolkit includes all the resources you need to support employee preventive care:

  • Customizable employee communication materials
  • Activation roadmap and usage guidelines to reach employees
  • A preventive care resource guide

How this toolkit helps

These resources provide your employees with:

  • Increased awareness of preventive care resources
  • Online and in-person engagement
  • Customizable content to meet your needs

You’ll even get tips for increasing communication about critical preventive care topics: proactive care, whole-person health and healthy habits.

Preventive care is crucial but underused

Preventive care benefits often go unused

Nearly 25% of employees in the US skipped their annual checkup in 2021.1

Employee health and business impacts are huge

Chronic disease and related risk factors cost US employers $36.4 billion a year in missed work.2

Mental health concerns often go unaddressed

Nearly 1 in 3 people with a long-term physical health condition also have a mental health concern.3

Toolkit resources

It’s time to talk to your employees about preventive care. Download our toolkit resources to get started. 

Online Communications

Digital banners

Preventive care digital banner ads for use on company intranet or within other communications.

On-site Communications

Tent card displays

Tent card table displays that can be used to educate employees on key preventive care topics.

On-site Communications

Lobby digital displays

Lobby display screens to highlight the need for simple preventive care measures.

On-site Communications


Posters offer an eye-catching and informative way to educate employees about the importance of preventive care.

Direct Communications

Email template

This email template helps drive awareness of preventive care.

Share Resources

Resource guide

Our one-page resource guide is a customizable template to help you summarize and promote the preventive care resources available.

Need help?

This how-to guide shares information on how to use the toolkit, set your activation plan and track results.

Find an employer plan

Ready to learn more about employee coverage options? Whether you manage the benefits for thousands of employees or just a handful, we have a plan for you.

50 or fewer full-time employees

51 or more full-time employees


  1. CDC, "BRFSS Prevalence & Trends Data," US Department of Health & Human Services, Sept. 13, 2021.

  2. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, "Chronic Disease Fact Sheet: Workplace Health Promotion," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 9, 2022.

  3. "Physical Health and Mental Health," Mental Health Foundation, Feb. 18, 2022.

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