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About Us

Strengthen NC

Strengthen NC

We are collaborating with nonprofits across North Carolina to improve health care for all.

Helping nonprofits expand their reach

Organizations that fully understand the needs of North Carolina’s underrepresented communities can make the most impact. Part of our strategy is investing in historically under-resourced groups that have the knowledge and skills to best serve the unique needs of North Carolina communities. We hope to become a leader in empowering nonprofits to better fulfill their mission now and in the future.

The program is designed to increase organizational strength and help build future sustainability for its participants. Organizations will receive funding, peer mentoring, technical assistance, training and other capacity-building support. 

2022 to 2023 Strengthen NC cohort

El Centro Hispano

Empowers Latino families through education and leadership development.

Equity Before Birth

Works to improve health outcomes for Black birthing people and their infants by increasing access to critical services and support.

Eustress, Inc.

Raises awareness of the importance of mental health in the Black community allowing individuals to identify and overcome challenges to achieve a healthier and productive lifestyle.


Educates and equips young pregnant and parenting adolescents with the tools needed to become independent and self-sufficient.

LGBTQ Center of Durham

Supports LGBTQ+ people through services, programming, resources and support networks that center their wellbeing and allows them to thrive.


Empowers Black, Indigenous and other birthing people of color with resources, services and support for a holistic approach to maternal health and wellness.

NC Field

Works with migrant and seasonal farmworker youth and families utilizing grassroots organizing principles to teach leadership, promote education and facilitate opportunities.

Rural Opportunity Institute

Strives to end generational cycles of trauma and poverty by preventing adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress for communities in Edgecombe County.

Vecinos, Inc.

Provides culturally appropriate health and wellness services for the uninsured Latinx community.

Wounded Healers of North Carolina

Embraces and supports individuals reentering the community following incarceration through peer support and resources.

Stay in touch

Our inaugural cohort is underway with their two-year program! Join our mailing list to stay up to date on current program news, including application dates and deadlines for our next cohort.


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